What is laser tattoo removal?
Quanta System’s Q Plus C technology tattoo removal treatment utilizes a state-of-the-art laser energy system that has the ability to powerfully remove color pigmentation in the yellow and red range, which are typically more difficult to remove in tattoos. Quanta’s Q Plus C treatment is safe and effective for tattoo removal regardless of skin type.
Quanta System’s Q Plus C technology offers a fast, side-effect free alternative for tattoo removal in Costa Rica. Also, this laser treatment is effective with fewer sessions and less cost than less strong lasers. It is also simpler and less expensive than surgical removal or dermabrasion for tattoo removal. Our technology shows that tattoo removal can be done safely and effectively.

How and for what?
Quanta System Q Plus C laser tattoo removal works by breaking up the ink pigmentation in the skin throughout the treatment. Dr. Cardenas works one-on-one with his patients to help them achieve their desired goals and ensure, in addition to their satisfaction, that their investment in themselves and their appearance is successful and at a lower cost.
Quanta System‘s Q Plus C therapy is a procedure that consists precisely in removing with greater effectiveness and safety those unwanted tattoos that contain pigmentations in color ranges that are difficult to remove.

Post Treatment
Direct sun exposure should be avoided and sunscreen with a high sun protection factor should be used to prevent hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin. The use of hot water, saunas, swimming pools and hot baths should also be avoided, as they may increase skin sensitivity. It is important to keep the treated area clean and dry, and not to scratch or rub the skin.