What is enzymatic mini lipo?
Enzymatic mini lipo is a body flourishing and facial treatment which is used by both men and women to fascinate their safety and quick and to ensure lasting results. The results obtained from enzymatic mini lipo are so incredible that: 1 session is equivalent to 5 any other treatment. Enzymatic mini lipo is becoming an inexpensive treatment due to its quality and results.
Benefits of Enzyme Minilipo:
Some of the benefits of biotechnology-based enzymes are listed below:
- It helps to disrupt and remove localized fat
- It designs and refines the silhouette
- It gets rid of adipose and fibrous cellulite
- It reaffirms the tissue and retracts the skin to the muscle, significantly improving the appearance of the skin
Biotechnology-based enzymes are ideal for dealing with rashers that cannot be removed by gym or diet. This is applicable to some parts of the body such as belly, chaps, upper and lower back, chubby bra, among leg, waist, sides, arms, and legs.

Facial is also suitable for:
- minimizing double chin (double chin)
- prominent cheeks
- Greasers that is accompanied by a feeling of tiredness and older
- Chest in men: it helps to get rid of fat that plumps the breast.
- Pompis lifting: it points out the Pompi in order to eliminate the fat that surrounds it.
- Anticelulítico. Fight the orange peel, undoes nodules.
Auxiliary devices in body treatments and weight control serve as strengths and fast-track the outcome.
Mini lipo enzyme is a European product with high standards of control and safety that brings cosmeceutical quality; which means it has aesthetic functions, scientific bases and pharmaceutical controls.

Proven to be very effective and safe!
Mini lipo enzyme revolutionizes the world of aesthetic treatments due to the following reasons:
- No or minimal risk of rejection or an allergic reaction
- Enzymes are lifolized (frozen and dehydrated) in order to preserve 100% of their power and guarantee its purity.
- They do not contain preservatives, colored or synthetic substances.
- Activate physiological processes and speed up safe and effective for an individual against fat.
The enzymes that are present are:
- Lipase (fat dissolution)
- Collagenase (a smoothening effect that removes orange peel)
- Hyaluronidase (an exhausting force that removes toxins, fluids, and fats)
- It is a cocktail of enzymes, vitamins and hyaluronic acid.